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19 June, Soozy Duncan, Indypendent, USA

The Hypocrisy of “Tolerance”



17 June, Hamida Ghafour, The National, UAE

History in the breaking



14 June, Ma’an News Agency, Palestine

Petitioners go to UN over museum plans on Muslim cemetery



12 June, Jonathan Cook, The National (UAE)

New threat to Muslim cemetery



11 June, Micheal  Jansen, Irish Times

A once cosmopolitan city is now bitter and divided as Jerusalem is taken over



9 June , Daniel Berreby, Big Think, USA

The Case Against "Tolerance"



21 May, Ha’aretz, Israel

Jerusalem and Babylon / Dusting off unknown skeletons



20 May, Ha’aretz, Israel

What to do with the Graves




18 May, Daily Telegraph, UK

Israeli contractors dig up Muslim graves at 'museum of tolerance'



18 May, Ha’aretz, Israel

Jerusalem’s Mamilla Cemetery Special Report:   Tolerance takes its toll



8 May, Rabbis for Human Rights, USA

“Museum of Tolerance and Center for Human Dignity” Built on Intolerance and Indignity



4May, Omar Kasrawi & Sommer Saadi in Covering Religion, USA 

Mamilla Cemetery: The price of tolerance



22 April, Kuwait News Agency, Kuwait

 Arab Group complains to United Nations about Israel''s desecration of the Ma'man Allah (Mamilla) Cemetery in Jerusalem


20 April, Jared Malsin in Palestine Note, USA

Raising the dead in Jerusalem



20 April, Rabbis for Human Rights, USA

 Jerusalem update #2: Stop the Construction of "Museum of Tolerance ...


19 April, Judith Mendelsohn Rood in History News Network, USA

 What We Choose to Remember: Jerusalem in World History



17 April,  Harry Hagopian in Ekklesia,USA

 Moments of peril and truth for the Palestinians



16 April, Michele Kearney in Snuffy Smith's Blog, USA

 Bad Faith in the Holy City



16 April, Philip Weiss in Mondoweiss, USA

 Khalidi: No Palestinian leader can accept this gerrymandered Jerusalem



15 April, Rashid Khalidi in Foreign Affairs, USA
Bad Faith in the Holy City How Israel’s Jerusalem Policy Imperils the Peace Process




2 April, Phillip Weiss in Mondoweiss , USA

Museum of desecration project


1 April, Ran Shapira in Ha'aretz, Israel

Old bones that never lie


31 March, John Taylor in 

Museum of Tolerance Desecrates Graves



 22 March, Rob Prince's Blog, USA

Larry Mizel and the Museum of (In) Tolerance in Jerusalem


22 March, Facebook




18 March, Aboriginal News Group

Take Action Please sign the Mamilla Cemetery ...



16 March, Phillip Weiss in Mondoweiss , USA

Simon Wiesenthal Center launches PR campaign...



16 March, Richard Congress in Indianapolis Star, USA

Jerusalem under Israel isn't such a bright beacon



 16 March, Associated Press, USA

Jerusalem museum to go ahead despite protests



8 March, Juan Cole’s Informed Comment, USA

Petition to Save Palestinians Mamilla Cemetery ...


2 March, Richard Congress in Mondoweiss, USA

Red herring in Mamilla case



2 March,  Yasmeen Najmi  in  wordsnotactions

A Wall in the Heart: A poem from Salah-al-Din (Saladin) to Simon Wiesenthal


15 February, Dima Khalidi on Law and Disorder Radio, USA (from Minute 9)

Simon Wiesanthal Museum of Intolerance:  Mamilla Cemetery In Jerusalem


16 February, Hussam Ayloush in Los Angeles Times, USA 

Desecrating a Muslim cemetery with a Center for Human Dignity




15 February, Nadia Hijab in Middle East Online

Jerusalem's Battle of the Graves


13 February, Philip Weiss in Mondoweiss, USA

'LA Times’ gives Wiesenthal Center a platform to spin falsehoods about Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem



12 February, Sheera Frenkel in Times, UK

Simon Weisenthal Centre to build 'tolerance museum’ on Arab graveyard



11 February Neala Shwartzberg in, USA

When does a cemetery lose its sanctity: Jerusalem center of controversy over Moslem burial site



12 February, Saree Makdisi in Los Angeles Times, USA

A Museum of Tolerance we don't need



11 February, Isabel Kershner in New York Times, USA

Museum Creates New Jerusalem Divide



11 February, Anne Barker in Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV

'Museum of Tolerance' provokes row in Jerusalem


10 February, Rory McCarthy in The Guardian, UK

Row over plan to build Jewish museum of tolerance on site of Muslim cemetery


10 February, Philip Weiss in Mondoweiss, USA

Opponents of Mamilla cemetery desecration take the case to international bodies


 10 February, Associated Press in Haaretz, Israel

Palestinians petition UN over construction of Jerusalem museum


10 February, Alternative Information Centre, Israel

Palestinian Descendants Petition UN against Israeli Construction of “Museum of Tolerance” on 12th Century Muslim Cemetery in Jerusalem


10 February, Rashid Khalidi and Micheal Ratner on Democracy Now, USA

Palestinian Families Appeal to UN Over Israeli Construction of “Museum of Tolerance” on Jerusalem’s Historic Mamilla Cemetery


10 February, Marian Houk in American Chronicle, USA

Jerusalem Palestinian families come out against building on their ancestors graves





10 April, WAFA News Agency, Ramallah

منصور يبعث برسائل لمسؤولين أمميين حول تطاول إسرائيل على مقبرة مأمن الله  




13 March, Laurent Zecchini, Le Monde, France

Discorde sur le Musée de la tolérance 



23 February, Info-Palestine, France

Une campagne pour préserver le cimetière de Jérusalem



16 February, Elias Khouri in Al Quds Al-Arabi , UK

المقبرة والتسامح

14 February, Rene Backmann, Nouvel Observateur, France

Jerusalem: l'affaire du projet de musée de la tolérance



12  February, Isola Agazzi, Le Courrier, Switzerland

Un cimetière musulman balayé par un musée de la tolérance?



 10 February, Mohamad Cherif, Swiss Info , Switzerland

استنجاد بالأمم المتحدة لإنقاذ مقبرة"مأمن الله" المقدسية


10 February, Agence France Presse, Le Matin, Switzerland

Des Palestiniens en appellent à l'ONU pour bloquer le musée de la Tolérance


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 International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network  

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